Sunday, March 19, 2017

My Impossible List

I think we've all created those old bucket list, whether in school or on Facebook, but I never got around to anything on my list. I honestly don't know where it is at this point. I recently ran across this thing called the impossible list. I read Thomas Frank's impossible list and I just knew I needed to make one. It encourages you to take action on your goals now versus some time in the future like the old bucket list does. It is also better than the bucket list in that it is an ever-evolving list. Each goal builds on itself so you're always challenging yourself to complete the next goal. One thing Tom has on his that I really like is the "Last 5 Completed Goals" section. It's a reminder of the last goal that was completed and when. This will definitely help push me to get started on a new goal. Don't want to have too much time between completed goals!!

Current Focuses:

  • Master’s Degree 
  • Hapkido Skills – Started 3/20/2017
  • Calisthenics
  • Water – Started 3/20/2017
  • Daily Workout – Started 3/20/2017
  • Travel Goal 

Last 5 Completed Goals

  • Visited the Bahamas (May 2016)
  • Went to Carolina Rebellion (May 2015)
  • Graduated from College (June 2010)

Fitness/Health Goals

  • Run a mile
  • Try Calisthenics as a primary workout method
  • Do a handstand
  • Do 10 pull-ups in a single set
  • Drink a 2 liters of water every day for 30 days in a row

Professional Goals

  • Find a job in the forensic accounting or auditing field
  • Pass the CFE Exam
  • Pass the Financial section of the CPA exam
  • Pay off my student loans 

Habit Goals

  • Do a workout 100 days in a row – Skill: Fitness
  • Meditate for at least 3 minutes 100 days in a row – Skill: Mental Focus
  • Read 25 pages (non-school related) a week for 3 months in a row – Skill: Intelligence
  • Write 100 words (non-school related) a week for 3 months in a row – Skill: Writing 

Creative Goals

  • Start playing the saxophone again
  • Learn how to play the piano

Skill Goals

  • Become fluent in a foreign language
    • Korean
    • Spanish
  • Learn Hapkido
    • Improve Punching Skills:
      • Practice jab-cross-hook-uppercut combination daily for 30 days
    • Improve Kicking Skills:
      • Roundhouse Kick, Double Roundhouse Kick, Tornado Kick, Back Kick combination
    • Improve Falling Skills:
      • 20 high jumps a day until May belt test
      • Vertical Cat Roll
    • Improve Self Defense Skills:
      • Knife Defense
    • Improve Grappling Skills:
      • 20 bridges a day until May belt test
    • Receive Black Belt 

Crazy Goals

  • Skydive
  • Go scuba diving
  • Climb a mountain
  • Do the CN Tower Edge Walk
  • Visit a bee farm 

Events to Attend

  • Burning Man
  • Running of the Bulls
  • The Northern Lights
  • Music Festival (Carolina Rebellion: May 2, 2015)
    • Two Festivals
  • Mardi Gras
  • Brazilian Carnival
  • Chinese New Year celebration
  • New York Giants game at home
  • See Dwayne Wade play 

Travel Goals

  • Visit an Asian Country
  • Visit an European Country
  • Visit an African Country
  • Visit a South American Country
  • Visit an Oceanian Country
  • Visit a North American Country (includes Central America but not the US) (Bahamas: May 9, 2016)
    • Two Countries
  • Visit Antarctica
  • Visit every state in the US
  • Complete the NASA Passport to Explore Space 

Life Goals

  • Graduate from college (June 2010)
    • Receive master’s degree 
  • Seriously invest into retirement account
  • Help someone achieve a goal
  • Donate to a charity yearly (time, money, etc.)
  • Travel to at least one new city, state, or country every year

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