Sunday, February 12, 2017

Elijah J. McCoy

Elijah J. McCoy was born on May 2, 1844, in Colchester, Ontario, Canada. His parents were fugitive slaves who had escaped from Kentucky to Canada via the Underground Railroad. In 1847, his family returned to the United States, settling in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

At an early age, Elijah showed an interest in mechanics, often taking items apart and putting them back together again. Recognizing his abilities, his parents saved enough money to send the 15-year-old Elijah to Edinburgh, Scotland, where he could study mechanical engineering. He returned home to Michigan after becoming certified as a mechanical engineer.

Despite his qualifications, McCoy was unable to find work as an engineer in the United States due to racial barriers. Skilled professional positions were not available for African Americans at the time, regardless of their training or background. He accepted a position as a fireman and oiler for the Michigan Central Railroad. As a fireman, McCoy was responsible for shoveling coal onto fires which would help to produce steam that powered the locomotive. As an oilman, he was responsible for ensuring that the train was well lubricated. After a few miles, the train would be forced to stop and he would have to walk alongside the train applying oil to the axles and bearings.

To improve efficiency and eliminate the frequent stopping necessary for lubrication of the train, McCoy decided create a method of automating the task. In 1872, he developed a “lubricating cup” that automatically distributed oil evenly over the engine’s moving parts. He obtained a patent for this invention later that year. McCoy’s invention allowed trains to run continuously for long periods of time without pausing for maintenance. The “lubricating cup” met with enormous success and orders for it came in from railroad companies all over the country. Other inventors attempted to sell their own versions of the device but most companies wanted the authentic device, requesting “the Real McCoy.”

In 1868, McCoy married Ann Elizabeth Stewart but Elizabeth passed just 4 years later. In 1873, he married Mary Eleanor Delaney and settled into Detroit, Michigan.

McCoy remained interested in continuing to perfect his invention and sold some percentages of rights to his patent to finance building a workshop. He made continued improvements to the “lubricating cup.” It was modified in order to apply it to different types of machinery. Versions of the cup would soon be used in steam engines, naval vessels, oil-drilling rigs, mining equipment, in factories, and construction sites. Although McCoy's achievements were recognized in his own time, his name did not appear on most of his inventions because he sold his patents.

In 1916 McCoy created the graphite lubricator which allowed new superheater trains and devices to be oiled. In 1920, Elijah established the “Elijah McCoy Manufacturing Company.” This allowed him to produce lubricators with his own name. With his new company, he improved and sold the graphite lubricator as well as other inventions which came to him out of necessity. He developed and patented a portable ironing board after Mary expressed a need for an easier way of ironing clothes. When he desired an easier and faster way of watering his lawn, he created and patented the lawn sprinkler.

In 1922, the McCoys were involved in an automobile accident. Both suffered severe injuries. Mary died from the injuries and Elijah never fully recovered from his. Elijah McCoy died in the Eloise Infirmary in Detroit, Michigan, on October 10, 1929.

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